Monday, February 24, 2020

Warwickshire Open 2020 Second round loss.

A good way to improve your Chess is to analyse your own games and publish them in some way. That's really the point of this blog. Whether anyone actually looks at the games is immaterial to me. However, as you can learn most from your defeats, here is a cringingly painful loss I suffered at the weekend in the Warwickshire Open Championships. I should have won, then lost then finally drawn the game, but I have learnt a lot from doing this. Hopefully it will help me improve. I finished the tournament in 9th place out of 20 players with 2.5/5. I will gain rating points from the result and had a couple of nice wins on the way. Here is the game, warts and all played on 22nd February 2020 in Coventry.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Final Game in February Slow Chess League.

My final game in the February 90/30 Slow Chess League ended with a win. I scored 3/3 so depending on the result of another game being played on Saturday I am either clear first or joint first. The game against my Norwegian opponent is given here. A Gruenfeld Petrosian Variation. I will fully annotate this game tonight as that is the point of my blog, to incentivise me to analyse my own games.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Kidlington 2020

I played in the under 145 category at Kidlington in early February and was lucky enough to win a share of third place with 4/5. Here I am receiving my small cheque. My best game was my game against Asif Hameed in the last round. I was winning quite early in the game but my opponent kept playing on until the bitter end!

Quick London Win

To kick off my new blog, here is a game I played yesterday in the Slow Chess League online. My opponent was quite a bit weaker than me, but it made for a short sharp attacking miniature in the London System.

Lesser known game of Raaphy Persitz

A figure not well known to younger players, but Raaphy Persitz was a strong master who played and lived in England before moving back to his...